DEC 15TH AUCHI POLYTECHNIC NEWS. - Wassap-9ja • Breaking News, Entertainment, Sport |

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Friday, 15 December 2017





Mr Wasap and team want to specially congratulate all graduating spat students in advance as they write their last paper tomorrow.

Also all graduating spat students should take note that pouring of water and snapping of pictures after exam in the school premises is prohibited for security reason said by the management and therefore ask all students to immediately leave the campus after their exams tomorrow to avoid been punished.

The DPO Auchi police station has yesterday told us that he has ordered is boys to stop the checking of students phones as its violate human freedom as he further said that students should feel free to report any police officer who stop them to check their phones, still speaking the DPO has urge all graduating students not to misbehave during this period as its not just only for graduation but its a festive period and as such climbing cars and rough driving as a means of celebration will not be tolerated, please be warn.

Also it was gathered that the Auchi Area command is yet to stop the checking on phones as students are still been embarrassed by the SAS, We use this medium to call on the Area commander Auchi branch to follow the part of the DPO and stop his boys from this trend as its violate human freedom.

All newly admitted students should take note that according to the school circular the payment of acceptance fee will end on Wednesday 20th December and there is not report yet if the date will be readjust.

Newly admitted students are pleading with the school management to readjust the acceptance fee deadline to next year as they complain of lack of found especially in this festive period.

We received report that students who are yet to be admitted are still waiting for the management supplementary list which according to report is bid to be out lasted this weekend.

Finally management gives full reason behind the non admitted and cleared spat students whom graduated this year January, management said the result reflecting May 2017 was the course and that at least they can only take 10 months industrial training and not 6 months and as such these students are not also eligible to buy spat form due to same reason, as in due time the calendar will be corrected.

Please all students whom have bought the spat form should take note that the screening will now take place second week of January 2018 as the form is still on sale till 2 days to the screening. Please take note.

Report got to us that one Mis Faith from OTM was involved in a ghastly motor accident yesterday in Lagos as she's battling for survival now, we pray for God to saves her life.

In another development report got to us that an ex student of Auchi polytechnic who is now a Cooper was raped and straggled to death in her place of service, may her soul rest in peace.

All newly admitted and old regular students should take note that first semester lectures begins January 8th in all department except the ND2 students whom are on their 3 months industrial training.

3, ND2 Students of school of business studies, accounting and marketing department brought #15 million cars each to celebrate the xmas in Delta state.

Please take note that Mr Wasap news platform will be shutting down for the year 2017 on Sunday 17th December to reopen in February 1st 2018 until then, you can only find Auchi poly breaking news on our blog/website @ please take note that you can find all news Nigeria in the blog for latest gists/story always click on tafia9ja category, for those new to the blog please click on the web view to get high quality with pictures and video news.

Also don't miss Sunday news as it will be exiting live on Facebook, whatsapp and on

*Merry Xmas in advance,

Please share this information for all students.

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